Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common psychiatric conditions in children and teens. Most of the time, ADHD symptoms in childhood continue into adulthood, although some people don’t develop ADHD until their adult years. It is estimated that about 4-6% of people in Canada have ADHD (CADDAC, 2024). Unfortunately, ADHD isn’t always diagnosed appropriately and may be mistaken for another condition. This is why it is important to be evaluated by a healthcare provider who specializes in ADHD.
The causes and risk factors for ADHD are not clear, but genetics are suspected to play an important role. As such, if someone has an immediate family member with ADHD (like a parent or sibling), that person may be affected as well.
Typical symptoms of ADHD include difficulty paying attention, impulsiveness, and restlessness. These symptoms may affect the ability to thrive in school and work. They may also affect one’s ability to maintain healthy relationships with others. As well, people with ADHD may have difficulty with:
Getting assessed for ADHD includes a thorough history of your symptoms using self-reported questionnaires and an interview with a trained professional, which may be a medical doctor, a psychologist, or a nurse practitioner. An important part of diagnosing ADHD is assessing for other conditions that can mimic or worsen symptoms of ADHD. This may include other physical health conditions (for example, thyroid problems) or mental health conditions (for example, anxiety and depression). Diagnosing ADHD isn’t always straight-forward, but a thorough evaluation is necessary for you to get the best outcomes.
At Direct Health Solutions, our ADHD assessments and completed by nurse practitioners. They are trained medical professionals who can complete physical and mental health assessments, diagnose conditions, order and interpret lab work, and prescribe treatments (including medications).
There is more to ADHD management than medications. Our ADHD specialists offer a variety of strategies to manage your symptoms. This may include education, coaching, counselling, and prescription medications (carefully titrated to suit you). If you have a primary care provider (family physician or nurse practitioner), we can send them a letter containing treatment recommendations. If you don’t have a primary care provider, we may be able to provide ongoing care and prescription renewals/management.
Regardless of who is managing your ongoing care, you should have a healthcare provider continue to assess your response to the treatment plan so they can adjust the plan accordingly. There is no “cookie-cutter” plan that works for everyone. Every person benefits from an individualized approach to manage their ADHD and overall well-being.
If you’d like to find out more information about our services, contact our office today.
Booking an ADHD assessment includes:
$600 flat rate
Note that the diagnosis of ADHD is not guaranteed. If the specialist identifies another concern, she will discuss this with you during the second appointment.
We are not able to provide assessments for people under the care of a psychiatrist or are being treated for bipolar disorder or a psychotic disorder. A psychiatrist may be more suitable in his scenario.
If you have previously been diagnosed with ADHD and need further assessment and/or treatment planning, you may schedule an appointment with our ADHD specialist. Please provide documentation of your diagnosis and previous/current treatments.
$205 per hour
Brief phone or virtual consultation with our ADHD specialist to review the treatment plan and medications.
$75 per 20 minutes
Your well-being deserves the convenience and personalized attention that only Direct Health Solutions can provide. Don’t Wait Another Day for Better Health - Book Your Appointment Now!